Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Money Saving Tip: How to Save Money on Groceries

When you have to go grocery shopping, don't go to one store.  Go to every store in the area.  Only buy things that are on sale.  Your usual fare not on sale this week?  Good time to try a new recipe.  Buying produce on sale means you have to use it quickly.  If you can't eat it all in time, peel it, chop it, freeze it.

When you find a good sale, stock up.  Certain grocery stores have 50% off stickers that go on after the usual sales, concentrate on these.  Organic items almost always go on sale sooner or later because it doesn't move as fast as the usual stuff (milk especially).

Following this strategy should save you at least 30-40% of your grocery bill.  You'll really notice the shrinking grocery bill once you're stocked up on for-sale items and you're no longer paying high prices for common items.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! This is how i do 99% of my shopping... at my local small-town big-chain store with the 50% off stickers - 'pink triangles' or 'pinkies' as i like to call them. It adds an element of surprise when going into a store without a list... I just did a quick calculation and figure I've saved about $10,000 at least in the past 10 years on groceries.
